Group Somatic Movement Workshops
I hold Somatic Movement and Expressive Arts workshops for range of events, retreats and programmes online and in person. It is a joy to craft bespoke experiences that are tailored to my client’s intentions and needs.
Inspired by the belief that "the body holds our entire life experience," Group Somatic Movement workshops aim to create safe spaces for self-discovery through the expressive arts.
Through movement, drawing, writing and discussion participants will ground, connect to their bodies, breathe, move, and nourish themselves with ease. These sessions support participants to discover and give room to what is alive within them right now within a safe space.
Some of my favourite partnerships have been with Our Naked Truths for the (Pour In Retreat), Masaaki London (Art as Healing Workshop), Jazreena Harlow (The Divine Call Programme) and Heather Agyepong/ Fuel Theatre (The Body Remembers)